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Anxiety & Stress Specialist

Get in touch and get the help you need TODAY!

Best Hypnotherapy in NottinghamVery easy going, compassionate and result oriented person. She instantly put you at ease. She was able to help me getting to root cause and move forward. I would highly recommend Danni as she was extremely helpful in overcoming my anxiety. Mohammed Anis


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Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy in Central Nottingham

If you looking for a highly experienced and qualified Hypnotherapist / Pychotherapist in Nottingham, who is able to work with individuals, couples, & young people, then you have made the first step in getting the help and support you need.

Danielle will make you feel instantly at ease and show you how to take back control in your life leaving you feeling more relaxed and alot calmer, enabling you to then just enjoy your life!

If you like a chat about how you can get help to resolve your problems Today then call 07745 574945 for a FREE telephone consultation.

CLICK HERE to get in touch

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Who is Counselling & Hypnotherapy for?

The answer is simple: anyone tired of trying to cope on their own.

There are many reasons someone decides to look for therapy whether that be a Psychotherapist / Counsellor or Hypnotherapist.
It can often be when someone’s quality of life and day to day activities are being undermined by anxiety and emotional distress. Or, they find themselves in situations or relationships that are hard to manage, understand or resolve.
Many situations in life leave us feeling powerless, out of control and sensing that we have no choice.
Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy can often help make sense of early experiences and relationships and how they are connected to the difficulties and insecurities we face today, and also help to unblock habits/fears which we no longer need.
My aim to help you deal with your issues as effectively as possible so you can move on and enjoy your life with a healthy and positive outlook.

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What sort of things can Therapeutic Counselling help with?

Theraputic counselling can help by: identifying your current and underlying concerns. Deepening your understanding of problematic feelings and behaviours and where they originate. Making links between thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Increasing your self awareness. Assisting in decision making and choices. Encouraging you to think more clearly about a situation or from a different perspective.

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What sort of things can Hypnotherapy help with?

Hypnotherapy can help you with a range of conditions:

Reducing anxiety and stress
Improving sleep
Gaining confidence
Improving stress related conditions
Establishing positive goals
Weight management
Overcoming fears and phobias
Smoking cessation
and much more...

You can feel safe and reassured that you don’t have to dwell on past traumas or experiences in order to feel better.

Although I do acknowledge present problems and past causes, I will explore your current situation and future hopes, which will help you to look forward and use your own strengths to feel calmer, happier and more confident to achieve your goals and create your positive future.

It’s a natural and gentle way to help overcome all kinds of emotional and stressful issues. Helping you to focus on solutions and how and where you want to be, rather than talking or dwelling on the past. Using practical, modern and well researched strategies to help you make significant and positive changes in your life.
Find out more about what hypnotherapy is CLICK HERE

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Common Symptoms:-

Stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, feelings of isolation and loneliness, identity, bereavement and loss, relationship difficulties, self esteem, sexual, physical and psychological abuse.
Note: This list is not exhaustive, make contact today to talk more about your particular difficulty.

Strategies & Resources
Making some simple lifestyle changes can help to encourage your body to function optimally during times of illness, anxiety, stress and disturbed sleep


Therapeutic Counselling & Hypnotherapy are uniquely personal experiences and can be supportive and creative when we need to make choices. As every individual and situation is unique, the therapeutic goals Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapeutic Counselling techniques utilised are specifically tailored for each client. This will be discussed/explored in the first session.

Number one hypnotherapy in Nottingham!! Absolutely amazing. Went to see Danielle with anxiety issues and she's totally turned my life around. Friendly, understanding and professional. I would recommend to anyone! David W


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Get in Touch Today!

Get in touch today for a free telephone consultation, we can speak about how i can best help you to move forward with your life & discuss the different therapies i offer.
If you'd like to know more about me then CLICK HERE

For Highly experienced Hypnotherapist & Psychotherapist in Nottingham, Danielle at DSH Therapy is within easy reach of Nottingham City, close to Canning Circus on Derby Road, and central to the Ring Road. There is free parking available.

Best Hypnotherapy in Nottingham

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